

Lay­out plan­ning in VR — from con­cepts to detail­ed workspace designs

Plan your shop­f­lo­or vir­tual­ly, crea­te work­sta­tions and equip­ment in VR. Due to the natu­ral ope­ra­ti­on in vir­tu­al space, you crea­te com­pre­hen­si­ble 3D data with litt­le trai­ning time. And basi­cal­ly: You do not need any pre­vious know­ledge or alre­a­dy exis­ting data. Detect pro­blems ear­ly, avo­id mista­kes and save cos­ts. With Halo­cli­ne Lay­out you crea­te a digi­tal image of your fac­to­ry — and thus the basis for pre­cise and effi­ci­ent collaboration.


Rough planning

Start your hall lay­out very sim­ply: a few rough boxes for a manu­al work­sta­tion, an impor­ted sys­tem, a flat box for a fix­tu­re. Then you can alre­a­dy assess whe­ther your lay­out works. If pro­blems or opti­miza­ti­on poten­ti­als are reco­gnizable, chan­ge your lay­out in the shor­test time. Ele­ments in the vir­tu­al fac­to­ry can be repo­si­tio­ned or resi­zed at any time. If you alre­a­dy have data and 2D sket­ches of your hall, you can easi­ly import them and inte­gra­te them into your vir­tu­al shopfloor.

At a glance:

  • Sket­ching the rough lay­out with the help of boxes
  • Import of 2D lay­outs as templates
  • Inte­gra­ti­on of exis­ting systems

Detailed planning

Detail your rough plan­ning using smal­ler boxes and access stan­dard ele­ments from your indi­vi­du­al libra­ry. Place CAD data, load car­ri­ers and tools. Imple­ment your ide­as and design indi­vi­du­al equip­ment. Your own crea­ted ele­ments, e.g. shel­ves and work­ben­ches, can be stored in a libra­ry and reu­sed again and again. The assem­blies pre­pared and tes­ted in Halo­cli­ne Assem­bly  can now be allo­ca­ted to the work­sta­tions. If you alre­a­dy have 3D data of equip­ment, you can also insert them into Halo­cli­ne Lay­out wit­hout any problems.

At a glance:

  • Crea­te, save and reu­se 3D elements
  • Inte­gra­ti­on of pro­duct data from Halo­cli­ne Assembly
  • Use of stan­dard ele­ments from your library

Further use

To test your plan­ning for effi­ci­en­cy and ergo­no­mics, switch to Halo­cli­ne Per­for­mance. You can use the resul­ting lay­out data in your fur­ther work­flow in other PLM sys­tems. Share plan­ning results via screen recor­dings and 2D or 3D exports intern­al­ly and/or extern­al­ly. Use the­se as a basis for orders from sup­pli­ers and work­shops to smooth­ly trans­fer your vir­tu­al plan­ning into rea­li­ty. And of cour­se you can share pro­ven lay­outs with Halo­cli­ne instal­la­ti­ons in other factories.

At a glance:

Take your planning process to the next level!

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