Plan better.

Indus­tri­al Engi­nee­ring in Vir­tu­al Reality

Halocline is an intuitive 3D industrial software that is used to plan, validate and optimize work environments in virtual reality.

What Halocline provides

Through intuitive planning in space, our customers improve their production in all areas

20 %

Reduced process time

Ear­lier optimization
of processes

40 %

Faster planning time

A plan that ever­yo­ne can understand
right from the start

> 75 000 €

Cost saving

Iden­ti­fy errors before
they occur

100 %

Automatic documentation

Just get star­ted and automatic
docu­men­ta­ti­on in the background


Training period

Easi­ly acces­si­ble and
intui­ti­ve to use

60 %

Less travel

Enter the shop­f­lo­or from anywhere
and at any time

What Halocline provides

Through intuitive planning in space, our customers improve their production in all areas

Convinced customers

Customer testimonials

Use cases

Upgrade your workflow.

Halo­cli­ne revo­lu­tio­ni­zes pro­duc­tion plan­ning! Due to the simp­le hand­ling, 3D data can be easi­ly crea­ted. With the assem­bly, lay­out and per­for­mance pro­duct are­as, you can plan your pro­duc­tion vir­tual­ly and comprehensibly.
Regard­less of whe­ther you are a pro­duc­tion spe­cia­list or work­shop employee — Halo­cli­ne paves the way to an opti­mal pro­duc­tion process.

Take your planning process to the next level!

Our Partners