Simplify the exchange with suppliers

Halocline for tangible communication: Benefits of 3D data

Rea­ding time 2 min

Die Kom­mu­ni­ka­ti­on von Anfor­de­run­gen mit Lie­fe­ran­ten gestal­tet sich oft kom­pli­ziert. Lang­wie­ri­ge und kom­ple­xe Abstim­mungs­pro­zes­se kön­nen dazu füh­ren, dass wich­ti­ge Details bis zum Schluss über­se­hen wer­den. Hier setzt Halo­cli­ne an – die Pla­nungs­er­geb­nis­se ver­mit­teln den Kon­text der Pla­nung anschau­lich im vir­tu­el­len Raum und erleich­tern den Über­gang von abs­trak­ten Ideen zu kon­kre­ten Einzelheiten.

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Plan today — implement tomorrow

With Halo­cli­ne you can crea­te your plan­ning data in vir­tu­al rea­li­ty effort­less­ly and instant­ly. The plan­ning can be che­cked spa­ti­al­ly in the vir­tu­al shop­f­lo­or even befo­re the actu­al imple­men­ta­ti­on. Every per­son invol­ved in the plan­ning pro­cess can use the spa­ti­al per­cep­ti­on of their own body to opti­mal­ly assess the room and the space requi­re­ments. And the best thing about it: Whe­ther worker, mana­ger or ergo­no­mics spe­cia­list — ever­yo­ne can make chan­ges direct­ly and inde­pendent­ly thanks to very easy operation.

How does it work?

The­re are two opti­ons in Halo­cli­ne: You eit­her start with your own data or crea­te it direct­ly in the soft­ware. In the vir­tu­al plan­ning envi­ron­ment, boxes can be used or pre­fa­bri­ca­ted ele­ments from the exten­si­ve Halo­cli­ne libra­ry can be pla­ced in the lay­out. The lay­out design ser­ves as a plan­ning basis and can be gra­du­al­ly fle­shed out with sup­pli­er data.

Share drafts with suppliers

The plan­ning draft can be trans­mit­ted to the sup­pli­ers as STEP and/or PDF file. This also includes images of the 3D plan­ning. As an alter­na­ti­ve opti­on, the­re is the opti­on to pre­sent the plan­ning in real time through screen sha­ring. You can take a vir­tu­al tour of the hall to dis­cuss per­for­mance fea­tures in real time.

Place supplier data on the shopfloor

After the pro­vi­si­on of the sup­pli­er data (e.g. STEG models), inte­gra­ti­on into the shop­f­lo­or is effort­less. The data is pla­ced in Halo­cli­ne Lay­out and, thanks to the sur­roun­ding con­text in the vir­tu­al shop­f­lo­or, the space requi­re­ments as well as any inter­fe­ring edges and requi­red con­nec­tions can be quick­ly iden­ti­fied. Chan­ge requests can be sket­ched direct­ly on the object wit­hout inter­rupt­ing the over­all detail­ed planning.


Num­e­rous cus­to­mer reports demons­tra­te a signi­fi­cant reduc­tion in ite­ra­ti­on loops and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on errors. Halo­cli­ne faci­li­ta­tes pre­cise requi­re­ments com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and sound data com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on. It also pro­vi­des room for crea­ti­ve inno­va­ti­on and cus­­to­­mer-spe­ci­­fic needs. Best expe­ri­ence the bene­fits yourself!

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