Optimize processes

Reduce production processes and save costs

Rea­ding time: 1,5 min

Kee­ping an eye on cos­ts, time and qua­li­ty is a chall­enge in pro­duc­tion plan­ning. Every move counts — but tra­di­tio­nal plan­ning requi­res a lot of ima­gi­na­ti­on or com­plex set­ups to under­stand the effects of your plan­ning. Halo­cli­ne offers a solu­ti­on in that pro­ces­ses can be tes­ted, com­pared and opti­mi­zed in Vir­tu­al Reality.

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How does it work?

Create your layout

In Halo­cli­ne Lay­out, you can crea­te as many vari­ants of your work­sta­tion as you like. After seam­less­ly swit­ching to Halo­cli­ne Per­for­mance, the assem­bly pro­cess can be tried out, recor­ded and analyzed.

Test your planning

With one click, you can switch from Plan­ning to Test­ing. The vir­tu­al envi­ron­ment then beha­ves like rea­li­ty. Run the plan­ned pro­cess from start to finish: Real walk-throughs, intui­ti­ve gras­ping, easy assem­bly. Even during the first test in the vir­tu­al space you will rea­li­ze if the distance bet­ween objects is too gre­at or the wal­king paths are too far. Our cus­to­mers report: “Only in VR you real­ly beco­me awa­re of how long three meters of wal­king distance actual­ly is — other­wi­se it’s just a number.”

Record your movements

You can record the enti­re sequence of an assem­bly pro­cess and visua­li­ze it with an ava­tar. Infor­ma­ti­on that is other­wi­se only available in long tables and com­pli­ca­ted expert soft­ware is auto­ma­ti­cal­ly crea­ted in Halo­cli­ne by play­ing through the assem­bly pro­cess. The infor­ma­ti­on about time, place, distance, weight and assem­bly method of a com­po­nent is auto­ma­ti­cal­ly available for fur­ther ana­ly­sis after testing.

Play and analyze

The recor­dings can be play­ed back like a video, so the pro­cess can be view­ed and ana­ly­zed in detail. In addi­ti­on, Halo­cli­ne offers visua­liza­ti­ons of wal­king & rea­ching paths, move­ment spaces & various ergo­no­mics ana­ly­ses that are auto­ma­ti­cal­ly gene­ra­ted from the recor­ded data. This makes it easier to compa­re and opti­mi­ze your planning.

Compare and optimize

Gripping and walking paths

Spa­ghet­ti dia­grams are also used a lot on paper. The advan­ta­ge in VR, howe­ver, is that they are dis­play­ed in 3D. This means that every sin­gle move­ment can be tra­ced exact­ly. The­se dia­grams are crea­ted auto­ma­ti­cal­ly by your move­ment in VR.

Occupied space

Dis­play the move­ment area to see whe­re the assem­blers are main­ly loca­ted during the pro­cess. The top view pro­vi­des a good over­view to compa­re vari­ants of a workplace.


An ava­tar is crea­ted from the move­ments. This shows whe­re and when the hand was stret­ched over the should­er or bent over. In addi­ti­on, cri­ti­cal­ly pla­ced objects are dis­play­ed accor­ding to the key indi­ca­tor method, so that you can check and opti­mi­ze their position.

Export tables

The moti­on and object data of the recor­ding can be expor­ted for fur­ther use out­side of Vir­tu­al Rea­li­ty. With this data you can per­form fur­ther ana­ly­sis or use addi­tio­nal simu­la­ti­on soft­ware to detail & eva­lua­te the process.

Improve iteratively

Once you have deter­mi­ned the best vari­ant you can opti­mi­ze it fur­ther. With one click you switch back to the plan­ning mode and can adjust the plan­ning the­re. This way you get the best result with short ite­ra­ti­on loops.


VR offers the pos­si­bi­li­ty to imple­ment com­pli­ca­ted ana­ly­ses in a very simp­le way. This allows you to opti­mi­ze your plan­ning and make decis­i­ons based on a good data­ba­se. Try it out and see for yourself!

Layout planning in VR
Creating 3D data

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