Easy to learn

Starting planning straight away

Lese­dau­er: 2 min

Get­ting star­ted in 3D plan­ning can often be a chall­enge, espe­ci­al­ly if you want to use a new, powerful soft­ware. Howe­ver, it does­n’t have to be that way. Our soft­ware stri­ves to mini­mi­ze obs­ta­cles and get you star­ted quick­ly in the world of 3D plan­ning. We under­stand that no one wants to was­te valuable time with leng­thy (and bor­ing) trai­ning pha­ses. The­r­e­fo­re, we have taken spe­cial care to ensu­re that our soft­ware offers a steep lear­ning curve.

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Short learning time — quick results

By using the third dimen­si­on and focu­sing on an intui­ti­ve user inter­face, even the com­plex sub­ject of 3D plan­ning beco­mes under­stan­da­ble for ever­yo­ne. The spa­ti­al dimen­si­on brings cla­ri­ty and con­text to your models, while our soft­ware gives you the tools to ful­ly uti­li­ze this capability.

Why VR makes 3D planning so easy

Inte­gra­ting vir­tu­al rea­li­ty into 3D model­ling is chan­ging the way we plan and design. By using immersi­on, we can expe­ri­ence 3D as if we were in the real world. This means that we no lon­ger have to abs­tract from a 2D screen, but can go direct­ly into the 3D world. This pro­xi­mi­ty to rea­li­ty makes it much easier to under­stand and inter­act with the models.

Sub­scri­be to our You­Tube Channel

Easy to learn through entertaining tutorials

Lear­ning should be inspi­ring and enga­ging, not bor­ing and tedious. Tha­t’s why we offer short, prac­ti­cal tuto­ri­als to help you get to grips with our soft­ware. Rather than leng­thy and cos­t­ly trai­ning cour­ses, we offer you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to learn in a playful way. The prac­ti­cal examp­les in the tuto­ri­als enable you to use the soft­ware effec­tively and quick­ly immer­se yours­elf in the world of 3D planning.

Get started now: experience it for yourself!

You think it’s too good to be true? We under­stand. Some­ti­mes you have to expe­ri­ence some­thing for yours­elf to real­ly belie­ve it. Tha­t’s why we invi­te you to try it for yourself!

Cont­act us, get a live demo of the soft­ware and expe­ri­ence first-hand how easi­ly and quick­ly you can dive into the world of 3D model­ling in VR. Let our com­pe­tent team gui­de you through the pos­si­bi­li­ties our soft­ware offers.

Don’t worry if you’­re new to 3D model­ling or VR. We are here to sup­port you and help you get star­ted. Be pre­pared to be ama­zed at how quick­ly you can turn your ide­as into rea­li­ty. The future of plan­ning awaits you!

Creating 3D data

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