Live demo


  • Live demons­tra­ti­on — remo­te or on-site

Access to exclu­si­ve accom­pany­ing material

  • Infor­ma­ti­on mate­ri­al, web­i­nars, tuto­ri­al vide­os, infor­ma­ti­on for your IT

Pilot phase

Pilot pha­se

Pro­of of Concept

  • Test licen­se for seve­ral weeks
  • Per­so­nal assistance
  • Rea­liza­ti­on of indi­vi­du­al plan­ning projects

Sup­p­ly of neces­sa­ry hardware

  • VR equip­ment & lap­top with soft­ware package



Halo­cli­ne one-year license

  • One com­pu­ter — any num­ber of users
  • Free updates and new features

Enter­pri­se Features

  • Access to beta features
  • Licen­ses for mul­ti­ple sites
  • Cross-site col­la­bo­ra­ti­on (mul­­ti-user)


You need a powerful but still com­mer­cial com­pu­ter or lap­top and a VR set­up. We recom­mend the fol­lo­wing components:


  • cur­rent Intel i7 CPU
  • min. 16 GB RAM
  • GPU Nvi­dia RTX 3080 (oder bes­ser) alter­na­tiv: NVIDIA QUADRO RTX 6000 / NVIDIA RTX A5000

VR Head­set

  • Meta Quest 3, Meta Quest Pro, Ocu­lus Quest 2, Ocu­lus Quest 1, Ocu­lus Rift S
  • HTC VIVE Focus 3, VIVE XR Elite
  • HTC VIVE Pro 2, VIVE Pro, VIVE
  • HP Reverb G2
  • Val­ve Index

Of cour­se you can con­vin­ce yours­elf befo­re licen­sing. You are wel­co­me to use a free test ver­si­on on your exis­ting hard­ware or use our soft­ware in a pilot pha­se for the imple­men­ta­ti­on of a con­cre­te plan­ning project.

For the pilot pha­se we can pro­vi­de you with a VR case on request. This con­ta­ins a powerful lap­top on which our soft­ware is pre-instal­­led and a com­ple­te VR setup.

Basi­cal­ly none! Halo­cli­ne enables data crea­ti­on direct­ly in VR

Our cus­to­mers sta­te that they can use the soft­ware ful­ly and inde­pendent­ly in 30–60 minu­tes. If requi­red, we sup­port you with tuto­ri­als and trai­ning sce­na­ri­os, as well as work­shops and support.

You can use both exis­ting pro­duct and resour­ce data. The sup­port­ed CAD data for­mats can be found here. Exis­ting 2D lay­out data can also be used.

Of cour­se! Based on the exis­ting data, you build your hall yours­elf. Alter­na­tively, we will be hap­py to crea­te a cor­re­spon­ding model for you.

Our cus­to­mers achie­ve savings by opti­mi­zing the working envi­ron­ment in the ear­ly plan­ning pro­cess. This includes redu­cing the num­ber of incor­rect orders, avo­i­ding rework, shor­tening the plan­ning pro­cess and gene­ral­ly impro­ving the qua­li­ty of plan­ning. Fur­ther­mo­re, card­board work­shops and pro­to­ty­pes can be repla­ced. This saves valuable time, space and material.

Yes, some of our exis­ting indus­tri­al cus­to­mers are alre­a­dy using Halo­cli­ne as their only tool for the enti­re plan­ning of their production.

In gene­ral our cus­to­mers con­firm that no assis­tance is neces­sa­ry when using the soft­ware. Ins­tead, we recei­ve con­fir­ma­ti­on that new users can ful­ly under­stand the soft­ware in 30–60 minu­tes and then use it inde­pendent­ly. We are hap­py to sup­port you in trai­ning the first users — just cont­act us. In addi­ti­on, we are of cour­se available to ans­wer any tech­ni­cal ques­ti­ons or comm­ents about our soft­ware — eit­her by pho­ne, e‑mail or via our sup­port center.

Our soft­ware can be ope­ra­ted com­ple­te­ly sepa­ra­te from any net­work. The licen­se can be acti­va­ted off­line, updates can be instal­led wit­hout an inter­net connection.

In order to use the full func­tion­a­li­ty of our soft­ware ide­al­ly, an inter­net con­nec­tion is recom­men­ded. This is the only way to ensu­re smooth data exch­an­ge bet­ween seve­ral soft­ware ins­tances or simul­ta­neous col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve work on a com­mon database.

Yes, it is pos­si­ble to export the data as a STEP file for for­war­ding to the desi­gner or exter­nal sup­pli­er and as dimen­sio­ned sket­ches e.g. for your own equip­ment construction.

Halo­cli­ne is a VR edi­tor and not just a pure visua­liza­ti­on tool in which you can work ite­ra­tively on three plan­ning steps (assem­bly, lay­out and per­for­mance) on the digi­tal twin of your factory

A list of file for­mats for import and export is available here.

You have further questions?

We are happy to answer them individually.