Research projects

In our VR rese­arch pro­jects, we col­la­bo­ra­te with strong part­ners from indus­try and aca­de­mia to explo­re the best appli­ca­ti­ons of spa­ti­al com­pu­ting. With a focus on natu­ral inter­ac­tion and tech­ni­cal fea­si­bi­li­ty, we joint­ly deve­lop new stan­dards for VR inter­faces. Our goal is to enrich peo­p­le’s ever­y­day work in cyber­space and sup­port their crea­ti­ve endea­vors. Expe­ri­ence what works and what real­ly makes sense!

Current Projects

InformAction (von Growhouse)

Enable collaboration between AI and users 

Today, manu­al work pro­ces­ses can only be taken into account in pro­duc­tion plan­ning with a gre­at deal of effort. Old approa­ches are repea­ted (“we’­ve always done it this way”) and opti­miza­ti­on poten­ti­als remain unu­sed. With our inter­ac­ti­ve, AI-sup­­por­t­ed pro­cess plan­ning in VR, manu­al work is tes­ted and opti­mi­zed at an ear­ly stage.

Start: 01.10.2022
End: 31.12.2023


XR Crafting

Jobcrafting in VR using Pointcloud scans

As part of the XR-Craf­­ting rese­arch pro­ject, we are loo­king at how the acti­ve trans­for­ma­ti­on of ever­y­day working life can suc­ceed with the help of vir­tu­al rea­li­ty. The aim of the pro­ject is to deve­lop mixed rea­li­ty soft­ware and an orga­niza­tio­nal pro­cess model that enables employees to trans­fer their work situa­ti­on to the vir­tu­al envi­ron­ment as easi­ly as pos­si­ble. 3D point cloud scans are used to cap­tu­re the real work­sta­tion and trans­fer it to the vir­tu­al world. The work pro­ces­ses are then cap­tu­red by a came­ra sys­tem and also dis­play­ed in VR, whe­re they can be edi­ted and evaluated.

Start: 01.10.2022
End: 30.09.2024

Supervised by:
Funded by:

Completed Projects


Skill acquisition and interaction with collaborative robots in VR

The use of robo­tics in indus­try chan­ges the work for each indi­vi­du­al worker. The role of humans in working with a robot the­r­e­fo­re needs to be rede­fi­ned. KoRA is a new tool from Halo­cli­ne that enables fea­si­bi­li­ty test­ing of ide­as around robot plan­ning, even wit­hout pri­or robo­tics knowledge.

Tog­e­ther with our part­ners, we are desig­ning a tea­ching-lear­­ning con­cept in VR that ser­ves to deve­lop and pro­mo­te com­pe­ten­ci­es in the field of col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve robo­tics. In vir­tu­al rea­li­ty, the work pro­cess can be expe­ri­en­ced and desi­gned sepa­ra­te­ly from the real ope­ra­tio­nal pro­cess, which enables the users to learn in a pro­­ject-rela­­ted and action-ori­en­­ted manner.

Start: 01.09.2019
End: 30.08.2022

Funded by:


Virtual Reality Interaction System

Sin­ce the intro­duc­tion of the new gene­ra­ti­on of VR head­sets in 2015, the tech­no­lo­gy has estab­lished its­elf in ever­y­day indus­tri­al use for plan­ning and trai­ning pro­duc­tion pro­ces­ses. The spe­cial fea­ture of the­se solu­ti­ons is abo­ve all the pos­si­bi­li­ty of inter­ac­ti­ve testing.

Tog­e­ther with our part­ner, we are deve­lo­ping a soft­ware com­po­nent to increase the rea­lism of assem­bly acti­vi­ties in vir­tu­al rea­li­ty. The goal is — using com­mer­ci­al­ly available VR hard­ware — to adapt the inter­ac­tion expe­ri­ence of the users to their dyna­mic beha­vi­or and the appli­ca­ti­on con­text in a situa­­ti­on-adap­­ti­­ve manner.

Start: 08.07.2021
End: 30.09.2022

Gefördert vom:


Situational mapping and participatory planning of complex business processes in VR

The map­ping of pro­ces­ses is often very com­plex with clas­sic methods. A multi­tu­de of dia­grams and descrip­ti­ons make it dif­fi­cult to main­tain an over­view. VR allows pro­ces­ses to be plan­ned in con­text — i.e. situa­tio­nal­ly. This offers added value espe­ci­al­ly when the empi­ri­cal know­ledge of dif­fe­rent disci­pli­nes is to be included.

Tog­e­ther with our part­ners, we deve­lop VR tools and plan­ning methods that can be used wit­hout spe­cia­li­zed know­ledge. The pro­ject is aimed at SMEs and sup­ports them in the imple­men­ta­ti­on of digi­tiza­ti­on measures.

Start: 01.09.2019
End: 31.12.2022

Funded by:


Development of an ergonomics analysis tool in virtual reality for the planning of workplaces in industrial manufacturing.

Usa­bi­li­ty ana­ly­ses of new pro­duc­tion faci­li­ties in indus­tri­al manu­fac­tu­ring rare­ly take place during plan­ning and usual­ly wit­hout the prac­ti­cal expe­ri­ence of the actu­al ope­ra­tors. Sub­se­quent chan­ges requi­re a lot of time and money and are only car­ri­ed out in case of serious pro­blems, so that ergo­no­mic pro­blems have to be accept­ed by the ope­ra­tors. The Ergo­VR pro­ject is deve­lo­ping a digi­tal vir­tu­al rea­li­ty (VR) tool for ergo­no­mic ana­ly­sis of pro­duc­tion work­places to enable SMEs to per­form ergo­no­mic eva­lua­tions during the plan­ning of new pro­duc­tion facilities.

Start: 01.09.2018
End: 31.10.2020

Funded by:

Contact Person

Technical Lead

Arne Ree­pen

Managing Lead

Krzy­sz­tof Izdebski

Take your planning process to the next level!