Halocline History
About the company Halocline
Halocline GmbH & Co. KG is a software startup whose VR editor solution of the same name enables the creation of a realistic virtual factory. The natural interaction in VR makes it possible to incorporate knowledge from production experience into the work with digital data. Three product stages support users: Halocline Assembly, Halocline Layout and Halocline Performance offer product assembly, layout planning and process evaluation in the digital twin of the factory. Halocline thus provides an answer to the growing challenge of the industry and enables the digital twin of production to be kept up-to-date in the long term.
At the location Osnabrueck in Germany, Halocline GmbH & Co. KG employs almost 40 employees.
New brand identity since November 2020: The Embodied Engineering suite becomes Halocline
The existing products Boxplan and Forestage as well as the extension ErgoVR-Beta will become an integrated product: Halocline.
From the beginning, we have concentrated on a common goal in product development: With the help of virtual reality, Halocline aims to revolutionize production planning and make it tangible. The reasons for the merger of the already established products Boxplan and Forestage are briefly summarized below:
We have pushed the merging of the functions of Boxplan and Forestage during the entire development period over the last three years. With the research project ErgoVR, which came to an end in October 2020, a further, third sub-stage of production and assembly planning was added: From prototype construction to layout planning to process analysis, there are many related tasks that we want to comprehensively map with Halocline from now on. Therefore, we decided to merge the products into an ecosystem in release 2020.2.
In order to provide our customers with a central access to the virtual factory, we are merging our existing products and the extension ErgoVR-Beta. Although we continue to rely on specialized interfaces in our product stage, we are integrating the generated and used data. For this purpose, we are creating a central interface and emphasizing the coherent use with a common brand.
We offer the users a uniform data management as well as a comprehensive solution for the challenges in production and assembly planning. All existing functions from Boxplan, Forestage and ErgoVR are found in the three closely related product stages Halocline Assembly, Halocline Layout and Halocline Performance.
The figure below shows the changes at a glance:

Foundation in spring 2020: Salt and Pepper Software becomes Halocline
SALT AND PEPPER Software GmbH & Co. KG became two companies: Halocline and slashwhy.
In May 2020 the two sister companies started their business operations as successor companies of SALT AND PEPPER Software GmbH & Co. KG. This change took place in the course of a management buyout (MBO) based on a strategic realignment of the software company and the SALT AND PEPPER Group. The team of Halocline GmbH & Co. KG previously worked as a product development department under the flag of SALT AND PEPPER Software. While Halocline as an independent company focuses entirely on the development and marketing of virtual reality software products, slashwhy GmbH & Co. KG is active in the area of individual development of user-centered software applications. By separating the product and individual development departments, which were previously operating under one roof, a clear market focus of the individual companies became possible.