Creating 3D data

3D planning in virtual reality

Rea­ding time: 3 min

Crea­ting 3D data in a VR envi­ron­ment is a com­ple­te­ly new expe­ri­ence. The immersi­on and spa­ti­al awa­re­ness in VR allow you to move free­ly in 3D space and edit models in a natu­ral way. Com­pared to tra­di­tio­nal on-screen model­ling, VR offers a more inter­ac­ti­ve, intui­ti­ve and rea­li­stic expe­ri­ence that can save a lot of time.

How do I plan in VR?

In Halo­cli­ne the­re are seve­ral approa­ches available to crea­te 3D data in VR:

  • Pre­ma­de libra­ry ele­ments: Use an exten­si­ve libra­ry of equip­ment and items that you can cus­to­mi­ze to suit your needs.

  • Abs­tract boxes: Crea­te 3D data effort­less­ly by pla­cing and cus­to­mi­zing abs­tract boxes in VR. This allows you to quick­ly start with the plan­ning pro­cess and crea­te indi­vi­du­al equipment.

  • Import and place data: Inte­gra­te exis­ting data by import­ing CAD data and place it pre­cis­e­ly in the vir­tu­al twin of your factory.

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Customisable library items

One of the qui­ckest ways to build up your plan­ning is to access an exten­si­ve libra­ry of equip­ment and work space ele­ments. It offers a varie­ty of rea­­dy-made items that can be cus­to­mi­zed with just a few clicks. This cus­to­miza­ti­on fle­xi­bi­li­ty makes it easy for you to meet spe­ci­fic requi­re­ments and crea­te a cus­­tom-made environment.

Design individual equipment

By using boxes, you can crea­te your own 3D models direct­ly in the VR. By expe­ri­en­cing the 3rd dimen­si­on, it is pos­si­ble for even tech­ni­cal­ly inex­pe­ri­en­ced users to intui­tively under­stand and model the data.

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Importing data

Exis­ting data does not always have to be crea­ted from scratch, of cour­se. With the abili­ty to inte­gra­te exis­ting data through a CAD import, the tran­si­ti­on to VR plan­ning beco­mes seam­less. This import pro­cess faci­li­ta­tes the trans­fer of exis­ting infor­ma­ti­on into the vir­tu­al world.


  • Equip­ment design: Crea­ting indi­vi­du­al equip­ment from boxes takes only a few minu­tes — pla­cing & adjus­ting stan­dard ele­ments even only a few seconds.
  • Work­sta­tion plan­ning: The dura­ti­on of work­sta­tion plan­ning varies depen­ding on the com­ple­xi­ty, level of detail and pre­pa­ra­ti­on. A rough sketch using abs­tract boxes and pre­fa­bri­ca­ted ele­ments can be set up and dis­cus­sed in as litt­le as fif­teen minu­tes. Very detail­ed ela­bo­ra­ti­ons can be rea­li­zed in 1–2 hours.
  • Vari­ant plan­ning: Once a work­sta­tion has been crea­ted in Halo­cli­ne, a sin­gle click is enough to gene­ra­te a copy. This gives you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to build on this data and deve­lop seve­ral vari­ants in one session.
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Using vir­tu­al rea­li­ty for 3D model­ling and plan­ning offers unde­niable advan­ta­ges. In addi­ti­on to saving time through more effi­ci­ent plan­ning, VR enables a deeper under­stan­ding of 3D space and impro­ved col­la­bo­ra­ti­on. The intui­ti­ve natu­re of VR plan­ning leads to increased pro­duc­ti­vi­ty and helps crea­te 3D models that are essen­ti­al for a varie­ty of appli­ca­ti­ons. Find out for yours­elf how VR can revo­lu­tio­ni­ze the way you work.

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Live Demo

Send us a request and we will contact you personally to arrange an appointment for a live demo — remote and on-site possible. You do not need to prepare anything further. During this appointment, we will show you the advantages of Halocline and how you can integrate industrial engineering in Virtual Reality into your everyday business — free of charge and without obligation.

Live Demo

Send us a request and we will contact you personally to arrange an appointment for a live demo — remote and on-site possible. You do not need to prepare anything further. During this appointment, we will show you the advantages of Halocline and how you can integrate industrial engineering in Virtual Reality into your everyday business — free of charge and without obligation.

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