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Try out innovative ideas

Rea­ding time 1,5 min

The­re is always more than one solu­ti­on to a pro­blem. But how do you find out which one works best? With Halo­cli­ne digi­tal vari­ants of workspaces can be built and com­pared befo­re a decis­i­on has to be made.

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How it works?

Build up planning status

In Halo­cli­ne Lay­out an idea is quick­ly sket­ched. With the help of func­tions such as an exten­si­ve libra­ry or the 2D lay­out on the flo­or, a con­cept can be easi­ly built in 3D. By sim­ply buil­ding boxes, ever­y­thing can be dis­play­ed per­fect­ly. This way the idea can be built up in the level of detail that is neces­sa­ry for the evaluation.

Duplicate variant

New ides can be based on alre­a­dy exis­ting plans. For this, a copy of an exis­ting solu­ti­on can be crea­ted and used as a basis. This allows you to quick­ly build and try out many ide­as. This is not only advan­ta­ge­ous in the cur­rent plan­ning pro­cess but also hel­pful again in later impro­ve­ment iterations.


With just one click you can switch bet­ween vari­ants and see how they fit into the con­text of the shop­f­lo­or. Through this various aspects are weig­hed up: Space requi­re­ments, pro­ces­ses and ergo­no­mics can be che­cked and com­pared to each other. The pro­cess recor­dings in Halo­cli­ne Per­for­mance sup­port this with prac­ti­cal visualizations.

Presenting & Convincing

Through the descrip­ti­ve plan­ning you can get ever­yo­ne on board in a short time and pre­sent the dif­fe­ren­ces, advan­ta­ges and dis­ad­van­ta­ges of the vari­ants. Thus, not only can all par­ties under­stand all vari­ants and ide­as but also pick the best solu­ti­on collaboratively.


Halo­cli­ne not only allows you to build on ide­as, but also to quick­ly try some­thing out, rebuild, or ite­ra­te due to the easi­ly chan­geable plan­ning in VR. By not com­mit­ting to a spe­ci­fic approach from the begin­ning, the oppor­tu­ni­ty ari­ses to try out and test inno­va­ti­ve approa­ches befo­re pre­sen­ting the result convincingly.

Con­vin­ce yourself!

Including workers
Layout planning in VR

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