Faster MTM analyses using Halocline and MTMmotion

Time analysis of workflows with little effort

Rea­ding time: 2 min

Halo­cli­ne makes it pos­si­ble to crea­te a com­ple­te MTM ana­ly­sis (MTM‑1, ‑HWD, ‑UAS, ‑MEK) from a one-off “run-through” of a work pro­cess in VR. Com­ple­te­ly wit­hout the know­ledge of experts and with a frac­tion of the time and effort pre­vious­ly required.

Plan, optimize and analyze layouts and workflows

Halo­cli­ne is used to plan work­sta­tions, indi­vi­du­al assem­bly lines or enti­re fac­to­ry halls and opti­mi­ze them in VR while they are being crea­ted.

CIP prin­ci­ples can be imple­men­ted as ear­ly as the con­cept pha­se of plan­ning when crea­ting and modi­fy­ing 3D data in Halo­cli­ne. Con­cept com­pa­ri­sons and the ear­ly iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of poten­ti­al impro­ve­ments save plan­ning time and ensu­re grea­ter pro­duc­tion efficiency.

Learn more in the MTM webinar!

MTM analysis based on transaction data

Halo­cli­ne makes it pos­si­ble to test work pro­ces­ses on a vir­tu­al model. The resul­ting tran­sac­tion­al data can also be used to crea­te objec­ti­ve MTM ana­ly­ses. The com­bi­na­ti­on of Halo­cli­ne and MTM­mo­ti­on dra­sti­cal­ly redu­ces the time requi­red to crea­te such an analysis.

MTM­mo­ti­on can be used to crea­te ana­ly­ses for the fol­lo­wing pro­cess sys­tems from Halo­cli­ne data:

  • MTM‑1

Users can sel­ect in advan­ce whe­ther an out­put is to be gene­ra­ted in MTM’s own stan­dard “Time Mea­su­re­ment Unit” (TMU) or in seconds. The accu­ra­cy of the ana­ly­sis can also be selected.

Collaboration with the MTM ASSOCIATION e. V.

The inno­va­ti­ve and fast type of MTM ana­ly­sis was pre­sen­ted to the public for the first time at the MTM Sum­mit 2024 in Hamburg. 

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