Including workers

Include expertise from the shopfloor into the planning process

Lese­dau­er: 1,5 min

Through their dai­ly work on the shop­f­lo­or workers have com­ple­te­ly inter­na­li­zed pro­ces­ses and can draw from an enorm­ous amount of know­ledge. Howe­ver, in con­ven­tio­nal plan­ning pro­ces­ses with abs­tract words and models this is hard­ly taken into account. Vir­tu­al Rea­li­ty (VR) makes it pos­si­ble to bring peo­p­le from the shop­f­lo­or into an envi­ron­ment whe­re they can use their expe­ri­ence and pro­vi­de valuable feedback.

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Why workers should be more involved:

By try­ing out and hel­ping to design the future work­places in VR, workers are invol­ved in the pro­cess and have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to give feed­back at an ear­ly stage. This not only increa­ses accep­tance for chan­ges, but also increa­ses satis­fac­tion and pro­mo­tes solu­­ti­on-ori­en­­ted thin­king. In this way, you crea­te more attrac­ti­ve work­places for your skil­led workforce.

How it works?

Halo­cli­ne offers seve­ral ways to quick­ly invol­ve other depart­ments in the plan­ning pro­cess, allo­wing ever­yo­ne — even wit­hout soft­ware know­ledge — to get invol­ved. Some examp­les of how you can dis­cuss your plan­ning with others:

1. Assembly process testing

In Halo­cli­ne Per­for­mance, inter­ac­tion with the vir­tu­al world is just like in the real world. Workers can grip and assem­ble com­pon­ents with their hands. By doing so, they can easi­ly test the pro­cess and give their assess­ment of ergo­no­mics and pro­cess flow.

2. Analyze assembly process

Halo­cli­ne offers the advan­ta­ge that move­ments and pro­ces­ses are recor­ded. You can the­r­e­fo­re play back the test­ing of the sta­ti­on again and again like a video. Through this indi­vi­du­al steps and move­ments can be dis­cus­sed tog­e­ther with the assembler.

As addi­tio­nal assis­tance you can show wal­king and grip­ping paths, move­ment spaces and ergo­no­mics ana­ly­ses. The­se are auto­ma­ti­cal­ly deri­ved from the moti­on recor­dings and make the various plan­ning aspects clear and comprehensible.

3. Discuss & Document

Pro­duc­ti­ve dis­cus­sions ari­se when vie­w­ing the docu­men­ta­ti­on tog­e­ther. Workers can record new ide­as as spa­ti­al dra­wings with a pen — wit­hout any pri­or know­ledge of soft­ware. In this way, solu­ti­ons can be sket­ched and recor­ded with the help of simp­le markings.

4. Directly implement changes

The seam­less tran­si­ti­on to Halo­cli­ne Lay­out allows sug­ges­ti­ons to be imple­men­ted direct­ly. Sim­ply try out ide­as and find solu­ti­ons within the same dead­line. Then test them again, crea­ting very fast and short ite­ra­ti­on loops. This quick­ly pro­du­ces solu­ti­ons that work well for ever­yo­ne involved.


Our cus­to­mers report how they use Halo­cli­ne to bet­ter invol­ve their spe­cia­lists in pro­duc­tion plan­ning. In par­ti­cu­lar, the pos­si­bi­li­ty of vir­tu­al test­ing leads to new ques­ti­ons being rai­sed and important details being addres­sed at an ear­ly stage. The workers are also extre­me­ly satis­fied with this method, as they can now bring their ide­as into the plan­ning pro­cess at an ear­ly stage.

You too can incor­po­ra­te the valuable know-how from the shop­f­lo­or into your plan­ning. We will show you how it works!

Virtual Cardboard Engineering
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