Check & optimize ergonomics

Ergonomische Arbeitsplätze gestalten

Rea­ding time: 2,5 min

Inte­gra­ting ergo­no­mic prin­ci­ples into work­place design ensu­res that the working envi­ron­ment meets the phy­si­cal needs of employees. This pro­mo­tes gene­ral well-being and helps to redu­ce stress and fati­gue. Howe­ver, con­side­ring ergo­no­mics in plan­ning can often pro­ve com­plex. In this artic­le you will learn how you can easi­ly car­ry out an ergo­no­mic assess­ment and opti­miza­ti­on yourself.

How does it work?

The­re are seve­ral ways to assess work­sta­tions from an ergo­no­mic point of view. Alre­a­dy during the plan­ning pha­se you can use the dis­play of grip­ping spaces to opti­mal­ly posi­ti­on fre­quent­ly used equip­ment. Sub­se­quent­ly, the move­ments during the pro­cess can be recor­ded and auto­ma­ti­cal­ly analyzed.

Checking gripping spaces & reach

Use reach distances accor­ding to DIN stan­dards or con­fi­gu­re them accor­ding to your own stan­dards. By pla­cing an ava­tar at a work­sta­tion you have access to various visua­liza­ti­ons that sup­port you in plan­ning. Use the dis­play of the maxi­mum and mini­mum reach of the employee to adapt the work­sta­tion. By crea­ting dif­fe­rent body sizes and shapes the work­place can be opti­mi­zed indi­vi­du­al­ly for everyone.

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Record and analyze assembly processes

All move­ments in VR can be recor­ded — this is very con­ve­ni­ent as you can per­form your assem­bly as if in the real world and do not have to docu­ment every action manu­al­ly. After­wards you can replay the move­ments and see when and whe­re ergo­no­mic­al­ly cri­ti­cal points are hidden.

Bending & stretching

Incor­rect pos­tu­res are reco­gni­zed in the recor­ding and high­ligh­ted. This makes it easy to see when objects are pla­ced in such a way that employees have to bend down or stretch too far. The­se posi­ti­ons can be adjus­ted direct­ly in VR and after­wards be che­cked again.

Taking weights into account

In Vir­tu­al Rea­li­ty, of cour­se, ever­y­thing is as light as a fea­ther — but in order to be able to include the stress cau­sed by lif­ting weights, we offer an auto­ma­tic ana­ly­sis based on the key indi­ca­tor method. This ana­ly­ses how hea­vy, how long and how far objects are car­ri­ed. Cri­ti­cal points are visual­ly high­ligh­ted and can be exami­ned in more detail. Solu­ti­ons can also be work­ed out direct­ly in VR.

Export and reuse data

You can also use the coll­ec­ted data out­side of Halo­cli­ne. Video recor­dings and screen­shots are very effec­ti­ve for a quick and clear com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on of pro­blem are­as. This way you can con­vin­ce even cri­ti­cal voices of the need for optimization.

In addi­ti­on you recei­ve all move­ments, grab­bed objects and eva­lua­tions as a table. This allows you to compa­re pro­ces­ses and use them for fur­ther analyses.


Ergo­no­mics ana­ly­ses usual­ly requi­re a lot of time and expert know­ledge, can be dis­tor­ted by sub­jec­ti­ve assess­ments and, in the worst case, meet with resis­tance to neces­sa­ry chan­ges. Yet adhe­rence to ergo­no­mic gui­de­lines is cru­cial for the well-being and pro­duc­ti­vi­ty of our employees.

Halo­cli­ne offers ever­yo­ne the chan­ce to make ergo­no­mics an important topic as ear­ly as pos­si­ble. Through easy-to-under­­stand visua­liza­ti­ons, ergo­no­mic fac­tors are given a voice during the ear­ly plan­ning pha­se. With simp­le to crea­te pro­cess recor­dings, ergo­no­mics is included in the eva­lua­ti­on of a sta­ti­on and infor­med decis­i­ons can be made.

Tog­e­ther with Halo­cli­ne, crea­te work­places that put the health of your employees first!

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