Check & optimize ergonomics

Ergonomische Arbeitsplätze gestalten

Rea­ding time: 2,5 min

Inte­gra­ting ergo­no­mic prin­ci­ples into work­place design ensu­res that the working envi­ron­ment meets the phy­si­cal needs of employees. This pro­mo­tes gene­ral well-being and helps to redu­ce stress and fati­gue. Howe­ver, con­side­ring ergo­no­mics in plan­ning can often pro­ve com­plex. In this artic­le you will learn how you can easi­ly car­ry out an ergo­no­mic assess­ment and opti­miza­ti­on yourself.

How does it work?

The­re are seve­ral ways to assess work­sta­tions from an ergo­no­mic point of view. Alre­a­dy during the plan­ning pha­se you can use the dis­play of grip­ping spaces to opti­mal­ly posi­ti­on fre­quent­ly used equip­ment. Sub­se­quent­ly, the move­ments during the pro­cess can be recor­ded and auto­ma­ti­cal­ly analyzed.

Checking gripping spaces & reach

Use reach distances accor­ding to DIN stan­dards or con­fi­gu­re them accor­ding to your own stan­dards. By pla­cing an ava­tar at a work­sta­tion you have access to various visua­liza­ti­ons that sup­port you in plan­ning. Use the dis­play of the maxi­mum and mini­mum reach of the employee to adapt the work­sta­tion. By crea­ting dif­fe­rent body sizes and shapes the work­place can be opti­mi­zed indi­vi­du­al­ly for everyone.

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Record and analyze assembly processes

All move­ments in VR can be recor­ded — this is very con­ve­ni­ent as you can per­form your assem­bly as if in the real world and do not have to docu­ment every action manu­al­ly. After­wards you can replay the move­ments and see when and whe­re ergo­no­mic­al­ly cri­ti­cal points are hidden.

Bending & stretching

Incor­rect pos­tu­res are reco­gni­zed in the recor­ding and high­ligh­ted. This makes it easy to see when objects are pla­ced in such a way that employees have to bend down or stretch too far. The­se posi­ti­ons can be adjus­ted direct­ly in VR and after­wards be che­cked again.

Taking weights into account

In Vir­tu­al Rea­li­ty, of cour­se, ever­y­thing is as light as a fea­ther — but in order to be able to include the stress cau­sed by lif­ting weights, we offer an auto­ma­tic ana­ly­sis based on the key indi­ca­tor method. This ana­ly­ses how hea­vy, how long and how far objects are car­ri­ed. Cri­ti­cal points are visual­ly high­ligh­ted and can be exami­ned in more detail. Solu­ti­ons can also be work­ed out direct­ly in VR.

Export and reuse data

You can also use the coll­ec­ted data out­side of Halo­cli­ne. Video recor­dings and screen­shots are very effec­ti­ve for a quick and clear com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on of pro­blem are­as. This way you can con­vin­ce even cri­ti­cal voices of the need for optimization.

In addi­ti­on you recei­ve all move­ments, grab­bed objects and eva­lua­tions as a table. This allows you to compa­re pro­ces­ses and use them for fur­ther analyses.


Ergo­no­mics ana­ly­ses usual­ly requi­re a lot of time and expert know­ledge, can be dis­tor­ted by sub­jec­ti­ve assess­ments and, in the worst case, meet with resis­tance to neces­sa­ry chan­ges. Yet adhe­rence to ergo­no­mic gui­de­lines is cru­cial for the well-being and pro­duc­ti­vi­ty of our employees.

Halo­cli­ne offers ever­yo­ne the chan­ce to make ergo­no­mics an important topic as ear­ly as pos­si­ble. Through easy-to-under­­stand visua­liza­ti­ons, ergo­no­mic fac­tors are given a voice during the ear­ly plan­ning pha­se. With simp­le to crea­te pro­cess recor­dings, ergo­no­mics is included in the eva­lua­ti­on of a sta­ti­on and infor­med decis­i­ons can be made.

Tog­e­ther with Halo­cli­ne, crea­te work­places that put the health of your employees first!

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Send us a request and we will contact you personally to arrange an appointment for a live demo — remote and on-site possible. You do not need to prepare anything further. During this appointment, we will show you the advantages of Halocline and how you can integrate industrial engineering in Virtual Reality into your everyday business — free of charge and without obligation.

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