Virtual Cardboard Engineering

Work­sta­tion design in VR — save time and cost with digi­tal card­board workshops

No mat­ter if plan­ning a new hall or con­ti­nuous impro­ve­ment on the shop­f­lo­or: the plan­ning of work­sta­tions is essen­ti­al for the effi­ci­en­cy of pro­duc­tion and the health of the employees. Card­board Engi­nee­ring can make a meaningful con­tri­bu­ti­on here, but is both space and time con­sum­ing and fur­ther­mo­re costly.

A lot of space is nee­ded to rea­li­ze clas­sic card­board struc­tures: If insuf­fi­ci­ent space is available, exter­nal are­as have to be ren­ted or pro­duc­tion are­as have to be shut down for a lon­ger time peri­od. As a result, this fun­da­men­tal step in indus­tri­al engi­nee­ring is often skip­ped com­ple­te­ly. A sup­po­sed cost saving, which can be often paid dear­ly in the aftermath.

With Halo­cli­ne Lay­out you can mini­mi­ze space requi­re­ments and still plan three-dimensionally.

By using com­mer­ci­al­ly available and low cost Vir­tu­al Rea­li­ty hard­ware, enti­re fac­to­ry halls can be plan­ned on just 4 squa­re meters of space at home or in the office.

Digital data instead of photo documentation

Even inex­pe­ri­en­ced users can crea­te 3D models

Halo­cli­ne enables all disci­pli­nes invol­ved to crea­te 3D models in Vir­tu­al Rea­li­ty them­sel­ves — accor­ding to their own ide­as. By the intui­ti­ve and spa­ti­al plan­ning in Halo­cli­ne Lay­out and the test­ing of work pro­ces­ses in Halo­cli­ne Per­for­mance, even peo­p­le who are not com­­pu­­ter-affi­­ne can be direct­ly invol­ved in the work and crea­ti­on of digi­tal data.

Pre­vious­ly, docu­men­ta­ti­on in the form of pho­tos was often the only out­co­me of an ela­bo­ra­te card­board work­shop. In this case, experts have to prepa­re this data in the form of dra­wings or CAD designs so that the know­ledge gai­ned and the resul­ting requi­re­ments can be pas­sed on to suppliers.

With Halo­cli­ne Lay­out, resour­ces can be crea­ted direct­ly in VR and pas­sed on in digi­tal form using various export func­tions. This mini­mi­zes the effort in the work­shop as well as in fur­ther steps of indus­tri­al engineering.

4 times faster than conventional Cardboard Engineering

Less effort & more fle­xi­bi­li­ty for Kau­t­ex Textron 

“Com­pared to clas­sic 3D plan­ning, in vir­tu­al rea­li­ty I am actual­ly in the midd­le of a pro­duc­tion line ins­tead of just in front of it, and this gives me the oppor­tu­ni­ty to gain ear­ly insights into wal­king rou­tes or even work­place design”.
Karl Koep­ke, Spe­cia­list Equipment

Including workers

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